Thursday, January 16, 2014


Contact me here to order this product
Price =N=5,000

Couch grass (root), uva-ursi (leaf), lavender (flower), nettle (leaf), parsley (herb), astragalus (root), marshmallow (root).

Kidney function increased to 76% after 2 months!
During the last 3 years being a diabetic my kidney function had been reduced by 40% and I was warned that I was heading for dialysis if the trend continues. After drinking the Bell Kidney Cleanse & Function Tea #76 for 2 months my report came back with a 76% function increase. I am very happy and recommended your tea to many other people. Thank you for a product that actually works.
Hyacinth Twim, 73, Miami, FL, Email
My doctor said to keep on drinking the Kidney tea!
My kidney doctor told me that my kidney function was not good. After drinking the Bell Kidney Cleanse & Function Tea #76 for 2 months he said the protein in my urine was low as desirable and to keep on drinking the tea.
Ismael Martinez, 76, Tucson, AZ, Phone (520) 624-2480
Delighted kidney function increased from 46% to 63%!
I was aware for 2 years that my kidney function was decreasing. Within 3 months after drinking the Bell Kidney Cleanse & Function Tea #76 I was delighted with the new test showing that the kidney function had increased from 46% to 63%. This is an excellent product and it works. Thank you for helping me. I will now try other Bell products.
Sayed Shah, 70, Richmond, BC, Phone (604) 273-0786

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