Thursday, January 16, 2014


Contact me here to order this product
Price =N=5,000

  • Effective help with withdrawal symptoms and cleansing
  • Helps with nicotine craving symptoms
  • Aids in flushing nicotine out of the blood as well as 127 chemicals from the tobacco
  • Helps cleanse the lungs
  • Gives 50% better chance to quit
Extract of passion flower, colts foot, mullen, lobeline, cinnamon, kudzu root, oat grain, clove, coffea

2-4 Capsules a day, decreasing after initial two weeks.


Nicotine cravings were fewer and manageable!
I’ve tried quitting smoking a few times. The Patch, Nicorette and inhalers didn’t do it. I didn’t enjoy smoking anymore. I just did it because of habit and nicotine cravings. Bell Stop Smoking Help #35 finally did it. Thank you for making a product that makes quitting smoking a reality and not just a dream.
Jennifer Rideaut, 38, Tweed, ON, Phone (613) 478-3213,
After 50 years of smoking cigarettes cravings are gone!
For the last 8 years I tried to quit smoking and used all the stop smoking aids and they were of no help to me. Since I have tried Bell Stop Smoking Help #35 my cravings are gone and only the habit of holding a cigarette is still there. It is unbelievable and I wish I had heard about Bell #35 before. Thank you very much!
Gail Elder, 70, Guelph, ON
Finally feel truly free of nicotine craving!
I started smoking some 30 years ago in high school, cause “all my friends were doing it”. I tried several times to quit including “white knuckling”. With Bell Stop Smoking Help #35 I finally made it. I don’t like the smell of smoke anymore. This was my first Bell product and it will not be the last. Thank you so much!
Beverly Wilson, 46, Metenoresville, TN,

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