Thursday, January 16, 2014


Contact me here to order this product
Price =N=8,600

  • Helps you enjoy comfortable movement no matter what your activity level is
  • Combines curcumin with cayenne’s soothing capsaicin for fast and effective relief
  • Helps ease digestion and wipe away headaches
  • Helps circulation and heart health with the herb hawthorn
  • Is 100% natural
Turmeric extract (curcuma longa), Vitamin E, cayenne pepper (capsicum annuum), hawthorn extract (crataegus laevigata).  

Take 1 capsule three times per day or as directed by a health professional. Consider to take 1 or 2 capsules for maintenance. Curcumin/tumeric and pepper are kitchen spices. When eating food with these spices people expect a hot sensation in their mouth. Some people may have the same spicy sensation in their stomach as a sign that this supplement is working. Spices are not harmful. Take it with food.


Had swollen joints and stiff fingers!
For 15 years I was taking anti-inflammatories and battling increasing pain with swollen joints and stiff fingers. Since taking Bell Curcumin 2000X I wake up in the morning and can stretch my fingers. No more problems.
Anita Hancock, 53, Etobicoke, ON, 
Curcumin works. Cannot take anti-inflammatories!
For the past 7 years I had knee problems. I had knee replacement twice on one knee and once on the other knee. I was scheduled for another knee replacement. Since I started to take Bell Curcumin 2000X I have no plans to have another surgery. I am thrilled with the relief I have with Curcumin.
Mildred B. Nesbett, 76, Longview, TX, Phone (903) 643-3154
Knee pain was gone after 2 weeks!
For 10 years I had knee pain and took Pennsaid, Voltaren, Kalaya and others. After taking Curcumin 2000X for 2 weeks I woke up one morning and realized I didn’t have any pain anymore. For years I would wake up about 4 AM with terrible throbbing pain in my knee.
Sherrie Smith, 68, Grand Bend, ON, Phone (519) 283-1778,

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