Thursday, January 16, 2014


Contact me here to order this product
Price =N=7,800

  • Helps to promote proper waste elimination
  • Antioxidant rich
  • Promotes toning and cleansing properties
  • Supports regularity
  • Contains natural ingredients that benefit the body on the road to longevity
Turmeric extract, quercetin dihydrate, green tea extract (polyphenols), green tea extract (EGCG), Japanese knotweed extract, guar gum, indole-3-carbinol, pectin, vitamin D3, selenium. 

 Take one capsule twice a day or as directed by a health professional.


Colon care and cleanse an ideal solution!
I have been struggling for what seems like forever just to use the bathroom on a regular basis. I can say with great relief the Bell Colon Care & Cleanse #74 helped in a way no other product has. I can finally use the bathroom regularly without discomforts. I am so relieved to have found this product and this is more important than one might think.
Ashley Smalley, 21, Emmett, ID, Phone (208) 860-0479,
Colon Care #74 gave regularity and well being!
I had problems with my bowels my whole life. Usual bowel movement was only every 2-3 weeks. After starting Bell Colon Care & Cleanse #74 I was truly amazed that I had bowel movement 3 times next day. After 1 month taking this product my skin, hair, energy and total well being was off the chart. This product really works well.
Tracey Sullivan, 47, Burnaby, BC, Phone (604) 564-5962
With Colon & Cleanse care I lost 5 lbs and am regular now!
Lately I did not have regular bowel movements and tried Bell Colon Care & Cleanse #74. On the second day taking it I had 5 bowel movements. Now I have 2-3 a day. I feel better and have more energy as well. My clothes are starting to fit again.
Henry Hurley, 74, San Diego, CA

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